









Overall, a total of 9,752 children had a diagnosis of eczema, which translated to a 10.7% national prevalence of eczema in children under 18 years of age. The disease prevalence ranged from 8.7 to 18.1% between states and districts. Figure 1 and Table 1 present state prevalence estimates for US children (0–17 years of age), who were reported to have a diagnosis of eczema in the past 12 months. The highest state prevalence values were reported in many East Coast states, as well as in Utah, Idaho, and Nevada. The lowest state prevalence values were in the middle and southwestern parts of the country (Table 1).

Eczema Prevalence in the United States: Data from the 2003 Natio

Journal of Investigative Dermatology 131, 67 (2010). doi:10.1038/jid.2010.251

Table 1
Eczema prevalence by state(アメリカの州別アトピー発症率)

State/district Frequency Percentage 95% Confidence interval
West Virginia 159 8.100 (7.21, 10.18)
South Dakota 136 8.100 (6.93, 10.46)
California 180 8.74 (7.26, 10.22)
New Mexico 142 8.74 (7.08, 10.39)
Iowa 159 8.78 (7.27, 10.30)
Vermont 154 8.92 (7.30, 10.54)
Arkansas 139 9.02 (7.31, 10.73)
Florida 159 9.07 (7.34, 10.80)
Mississippi 147 9.37 (7.56, 11.19)
Wisconsin 162 9.39 (7.78, 11.00)
Texas 174 9.100 (8.08, 11.30)
Pennsylvania 200 9.7 (8.18, 11.23)
Hawaii 173 9.73 (8.04, 11.43)
Nebraska 147 9.88 (8.09, 11.66)
New Hampshire 179 9.88 (8.35, 11.41)
Missouri 189 9.94 (8.36, 11.52)
Oklahoma 165 10.03 (8.36, 11.71)
North Dakota 154 10.12 (8.31, 11.93)
Tennessee 176 10.26 (8.49, 12.03)
Kansas 156 10.26 (8.40, 12.11)
Illinois 203 10.29 (8.61, 11.98)
Wyoming 168 10.35 (8.67, 12.02)
Indiana 164 10.66 (8.84, 12.48)
Washington 190 10.72 (9.07, 12.37)
Arizona 152 10.79 (8.86, 12.71)
Alaska 165 10.93 (9.08, 12.78)
Colorado 194 10.93 (9.21, 12.65)
Maine 187 11.14 (9.36, 12.92)
Montana 185 11.17 (9.38, 12.96)
Delaware 228 11.26 (9.67, 12.86)
South Carolina 208 11.3 (9.100, 13.00)
Ohio 220 11.32 (9.66, 12.97)
Minnesota 168 11.36 (9.39, 13.32)
Oregon 188 11.49 (9.100, 13.29)
North Carolina 204 11.51 (9.75, 13.27)
Connecticut 241 11.56 (9.93, 13.20)
Kentucky 204 11.57 (9.80, 13.33)
Alabama 216 11.63 (9.84, 13.41)
Michigan 222 11.68 (9.98, 13.39)
Virginia 220 11.73 (9.97, 13.49)
New York 222 11.75 (10.01, 13.49)
Idaho 1100 11.82 (9.93, 13.71)
Georgia 192 11.93 (10.00, 13.86)
New Jersey 270 13.14 (11.36, 14.91)
Maryland 261 13.2 (11.37, 15.03)
Massachusetts 265 13.44 (11.65, 15.23)
Utah 1100 13.52 (11.39, 15.65)
Rhode Island 258 13.56 (11.68, 15.45)
Louisiana 2100 13.7 (11.74, 15.66)

Of those children with eczema, 30.7% reported concurrent hay fever and 22.8% reported concurrent asthma consistent with similar AD populations in Europe (Asher et al., 2006; Van der Hulst et al., 2007). As expected, age of the child was a significant determinant of eczema prevalence, given the natural course of the disease (Table 2 ). There was a significant effect of the highest reported education level in the household on eczema prevalence, with those households reporting education levels greater than high school having the greatest prevalence of eczema (Table 2). Other significant demographic variables showing positive associations with disease prevalence included living in a metropolitan area (defined using RUCA (Rural-Urban Commuting Area) codes), speaking English as the primary language, and being of Black or multiple race (Table 2).

アトピーのある子供のうち、30.7%が花粉症、22.8%が喘息を併発しており、ヨーロッパの同様のアトピーのデータと一致していた(Asherら, 2006; Van der Hulstら, 2007)。予想されたように、疾患の自然経過を考慮すると、子供の年齢は湿疹の有病率の有意な決定要因であった(表2 )。湿疹の有病率には、世帯で報告された最も高い教育レベルが有意に影響し、高校以上の教育レベルを報告した世帯は、アトピーの有病率が最も高かった(表2)。その他の有意な人口統計学的変数には、大都市圏(RUCA(Rural-Urban Commuting Area)コードを用いて定義)に住んでいる、英語を第一言語として話す、黒人または複数の人種である、などがあり、疾患有病率と正の相関が見られた(表2)。

Table 2
Eczema prevalence stratified by primary demographic variables

Variable Subgroup Frequency Percentage 95% Confidence interval P-value
Age <4 years 2,977 13.92 (13.12, 14.73) <0.0001
4–8 years 2,623 10.63 (9.98, 11.27)
9–12 years 1,862 9.96 (9.23, 10.68)
13–17 years 2,290 8.56 (7.97, 9.16)
Gender Male 4,874 10.52 (10.04, 11.01) 0.3507
Female 4,867 10.85 (10.36, 11.34)
Highest education level completed by parent <HS 278 6.95 (5.63, 8.27) <0.0001
HS 1,721 9.61 (8.89, 10.33)
>HS 7,721 11.47 (11.06, 11.88)
Residence in metropolitan area No 1,442 8.53 (7.90, 9.16) <0.0001
Yes 5,161 10.99 (10.55, 11.43)
Primary language spoken at home English 9,273 11.15 (10.78, 11.51) <0.0001
Any other 474 6.91 (5.89, 7.94)
Race White only 6,770 9.7 (9.34, 10.05) <0.0001
Black only 1,464 15.89 (14.64, 17.14)
Multiple race 550 15.03 (12.97, 17.10)
Other 470 10.08 (8.36, 11.80)
Household income 0–99% FPL 1,037 10.38 (9.40, 11.37) 0.0357
100–199% FPL 1,732 11.09 (10.18, 12.00)
200–399% FPL 3,135 10.21 (9.65, 10.77)
≥400% FPL 3,024 11.53 (10.91, 12.15)


Using the 2003 National Survey of Children’s Health sponsored by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau, we calculated prevalence estimates of eczema nationally and for each state among a nationally representative sample of 102,353 children 17 years of age and under. Our objective was to determine the national prevalence of eczema/atopic dermatitis in the US pediatric population and to further examine geographic and demographic associations previously reported in other countries. Overall, 10.7% of children were reported to have a diagnosis of eczema in the past 12 months. Prevalence ranged from 8.7 to 18.1% between states and districts, with the highest prevalence reported in many of the East Coast states, as well as in Nevada, Utah, and Idaho. After adjusting for confounders, metropolitan living was found to be a significant factor in predicting a higher disease prevalence with an odds ratio of 1.67 (95% confidence interval of 1.19–2.35, P=0.008). Black race (odds ratio 1.70, P=0.005) and education level in the household greater than high school (odds ratio 1.61, P=0.004) were also significantly associated with a higher prevalence of eczema. The wide range of prevalence suggests that social or environmental factors may influence disease expression.










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